Ad performance

Ad performance

Use case
Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Tiktok Ads, Snapchat Ads, Pinterest Ads, Twitter Ads
Created by
idunique ID of the table
campaign_nameA label for the campaign. For LinkedIn Ads this field is the campaign_group_name field.
ad_group_nameA label for the ad group, if present in the source data. Mapped from fields including campaign_group_name. For LinkedIn Ads this field is the campaign_name field.
account_nameA label for the account.
campaign_idThe ID representing the campaign. For LinkedIn Ads this field is the campaign_group_id field.
ad_group_idThe ID representing the ad group, if present in the source data. Mapped from fields including campaign_group_id. For LinkedIn Ads this field is the campaign_id field.
account_idThe ID representing the account.
date_dayThe day of the activity.
clicksThe count of clicks.
impressionsThe count of impressions.
spendThe cost of the ads.
base_urlThe base URL of the ad.
url_hostThe URL host of the ad.
url_pathThe URL path of the ad.
utm_sourceThe utm_source parameter of the ad.
utm_mediumThe utm_medium parameter of the ad.
utm_campaignThe utm_campaign parameter of the ad.
utm_contentThe utm_content parameter of the ad.
utm_termThe utm_term parameter of the ad.
platformThe ad platform the records relate to.

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