Hubspot deal stages

Hubspot deal stages

A helper model that represents deal stages.

Use case
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Each record represents a stage within a deal in Hubspot

Model columns

deal_stage_idThe unique deal stage identifier.
deal_stage_nameThe name of the deal stage.
date_stage_enteredThe timestamp the deal stage was entered.
is_stage_activeBoolean indicating whether the deal stage active.
deal_idThe ID of the deal.
pipeline_idThe ID of the deal's pipeline.
pipeline_stage_idThe ID of the deal's pipeline stage.
pipeline_labelThe label of the deal's pipeline.
is_pipeline_activeBoolean indicating if the pipeline is active.
is_pipeline_stage_activeBoolean indicating if the pipeline stage is active.
pipeline_stage_labelThe label of the deal's pipeline stage.
sourceThe relevant source of the deal stage.
source_idReference to the source.
is_pipeline_stage_closed_wonWhether the stage represents a Closed Won deal.
pipeline_stage_display_orderUsed to determine the order in which the stages appear when viewed in HubSpot.
pipeline_display_orderUsed to determine the order in which the pipelines appear when viewed in HubSpot.
pipeline_stage_probabilityThe probability that the deal will close. Used for the deal forecast.
deal_nameThe name you have given this deal.
_fivetran_startThe date a record was entered.
_fivetran_endThe Fivetran calculated exist time of the record.
_fivetran_activeBoolean indicating whether the record is active.

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