Outreach sequence performance

Outreach sequence performance

Outreach sequence performance stats joined with Salesforce data

Use case
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This table provides information on how well an Outreach sequence is performing. Sequences' metrics not just include the interactions with a sequence but also the number of opportunities (from both Outreach & Salesforce datasource) associated with a certain sequence

Model columns

idunique ID, which is the combination of sequence_id & account_id
account_idGlobal account id, synthesized by salesforce & outreach account_id.
sequence_idOutreach sequence id.
sequence_nameOutreach sequence name.
created_atTimestamp of when a record was first created.
updated_atThe date and time the sequence state for a specific account was last updated.
total_deliverThe total count of delivered mailings from this sequence.
total_failureThe total count of failed mailings from this sequence.
total_bounceThe total count of bounced mailings during this sequence.
total_clickThe total count of clicked mailings from this sequence.
total_openThe total count of opened mailings from this sequence.
total_negative_replyThe total count of negative reply mailings from this sequence.
total_neutral_replyThe total count of neutral reply mailings from this sequence.
total_opt_outThe total count of opted out mailings from this sequence.
total_positive_replyThe total count of positive reply mailings from this sequence.
total_replyThe total count of replied mailings from this sequence.
total_scheduleThe total count of scheduled mailings from this sequence.
total_dealsTotal opportunities recorded in both SF & Outreach and associated with a sequenced account
total_won_dealsTotal won opportunities recorded in both SF & Outreach and associated with a sequenced account
total_lost_dealsTotal lost opportunities recorded in both SF & Outreach and associated with a sequenced account
total_opportunity_amountTotal opportunities amount recorded in both SF & Outreach and associated with a sequenced account
total_won_deals_amountTotal won opportunities amount recorded in both SF & Outreach and associated with a sequenced account
total_lost_deals_amountTotal lost opportunities amount recorded in both SF & Outreach and associated with a sequenced account
has_deliveredbooleans type, a true value indicates that an account was successfully delivered the email in the sequence
has_openedbooleans type, a true value indicates that an account opened the email in the sequence
has_clickedbooleans type, a true value indicates that an account clicked the email in the sequence
has_scheduledbooleans type, a true value indicates that an account scheduled after receiving emails in the sequence
has_opened_dealsbooleans type, a true value indicates that an account opened at least one deal after receiving emails in the sequence
has_won_dealsbooleans type, a true value indicates that an account signed at least one deal after receiving emails in the sequence

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