Sales rep performance

Sales rep performance

Understand and compare the performance of each of your sales reps.

Date created
Feb 5, 2023
Ryan J. Buick
Use case
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This template contains a model for drilling into individual sales rep performance and a variety of visualizations for comparing sales reps against each other.

Each record in the model represents an individual member of the sales team, enriched with data about their pipeline, bookings, losses, and win percentages.


Days to close by rep

The length of time it takes for a sales rep to close a deal. Shorter sales cycles indicate that a sales rep is efficiently moving prospects through the sales process and closing deals more quickly.

Average days open by rep

The average number of days that a sales opportunity remains open in a sales representative's pipeline before it is either won or lost. This metric is used to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of individual sales representatives in managing their sales opportunities and closing deals.

Number of won vs lost opportunities by rep

The number of won opportunities indicates the number of deals that a sales rep has successfully closed. The number of lost opportunities indicates the number of deals that a sales rep was not able to close.

Total $ won vs lost opportunities by rep

Total dollar value of sales opportunities won and lost by individual sales reps.


By city

Owner CitySum of Total Number BookingsSum of Total Number LostSum of Total Number PipelineAverage of Total Bookings AmountAverage of Total Lost AmountAverage of Total Pipeline Amount

Model columns

owner_idId of the owner of this opportunity
sf_avg_bookings_amountThe average opportunity amount, if status is won.
avg_days_openThe average days since created across opportunities in the pipeline.
avg_days_to_closeThe average days to close across opportunities in that have been won.
avg_pipeline_opp_amountThe average opportunity amount, if status is pipeline.
b_manager_idManager ID of the booking_by_owner CTE. Helper field.
b_owner_idOwner ID of the booking_by_owner CTE. Helper field.
bookings_amount_closed_this_monthThe opportunity amount, if closed this month and status is won.
bookings_amount_closed_this_quarterThe opportunity amount, if closed this quarter and status is won.
bookings_count_closed_this_monthThe opportunity count, if closed this month and status is won.
bookings_count_closed_this_quarterThe opportunity count, if closed this quarter and status is won.
l_manager_idManager ID of the lost_by_owner CTE. Helper field.
l_owner_idOwner ID of the lost_by_owner CTE. Helper field.
largest_bookingThe largest amount associated with a single opportunity.
largest_deal_in_pipelineThe largest amount associated with a single opportunity in the current pipeline.
lost_amount_this_monthThe opportunity amount, if closed this month and status is lost.
lost_amount_this_quarterThe opportunity amount, if closed this quarter and status is lost.
lost_count_this_monthThe opportunity count, if closed this month and status is lost.
lost_count_this_quarterThe opportunity count, if closed this quarter and status is lost.
manager_idManager ID associated with opportunities.
owner_cityThe city associated with the owner.
owner_nameThe first and last name of the owner.
owner_stateThe state associated with the owner.
p_manager_idManager ID of the pipeline_by_owner CTE. Helper field.
p_owner_idOwner ID of the pipeline_by_owner CTE. Helper field.
pipeline_count_created_this_monthThe opportunity count, if closed this month and status is pipeline.
pipeline_count_created_this_quarterThe opportunity count, if closed this quarter and status is pipeline.
pipeline_created_amount_this_monthThe opportunity amount, if closed this month and status is pipeline.
pipeline_created_amount_this_quarterThe opportunity amount, if closed this quarter and status is pipeline.
pipeline_created_forecast_amount_this_monthThe opportunity amount multiplied by the forecast percentage, if closed this month and status is pipeline.
pipeline_created_forecast_amount_this_quarterThe opportunity amount multiplied by the forecast percentage, if closed this quarter and status is pipeline.
total_bookings_amountThe opportunity amount, if status is won.
total_lost_amountThe opportunity amount, if status is lost.
total_number_bookingsThe opportunity count, if status is won.
total_number_lostThe opportunity count, if status is lost.
total_number_pipelineThe opportunity count, if status is pipeline.
total_pipeline_amountThe opportunity amount, if status is pipeline.
total_pipeline_forecast_amountThe opportunity amount multiplied by the forecast percentage, if status is pipeline.
total_win_percentThe booking amount closed, divided by the sum of the booking amount and the lost amount..
win_percent_this_monthThe booking amount closed this month, divided by the sum of the booking amount closed this month and the lost amount this month.
win_percent_this_quarterThe booking amount closed this quarter, divided by the sum of the booking amount closed this quarter and the lost amount this quarter.

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