Supported formulas


Extract the day of the month as a number from 1 to 31 from a given date


  1. date - the date to extract the day number of


Extract the month as a number from 1 to 12 from a given date


  1. date - the date to extract the month number of


Extract the year number from the given date


  1. date - the date to extract the year number of

date(year, month, day)

Creates a date from the provided year, month, and day values


  1. year - the year number of the date
  2. month - the month number of the date from 1 to 12
  3. day - the day number of the date from a to 31


Calculates today's date

textcontains(expression_1, expression_2)

True if the first argument contains the second argument. Both arguments must be text.


  1. expression_1 - the string to search in
  2. expression_2 - the string to search for

safediv(numerator, denominator)

Division, but returns 0 if the denominator is 0 instead of erroring.


  1. numerator - the number to divide
  2. denominator - the number to divide by

nullif(condition, value)

Returns null if the value matches the condition, or the value otherwise.


  1. condition - the condition to check
  2. value - the value to return


Returns null if the value is 0 and the value otherwise. Useful for safe divison.


  1. value - the value to test and return

extractjson(column_id, path)

Parses the first argument as a JSON string and returns the value of the element pointed to by the path in the second argument. Accepts an arbitrary number of arguments


  1. column_id - the name of the JSON column with the data that you want to extract.
  2. path - (accepts one or more) the key(s) or indexes to look-up in the JSON document

datediff(start_date, end_date, unit)

Calculates the number of years, months, days or hours between two dates.


  1. start_date - the date to begin counting from
  2. end_date - the date to finish count at
  3. unit - either 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', or 'minute'

dateadd(unit, amount, start_date)

Adds a number of date units to a date.


  1. unit - either 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', or 'minute'
  2. amount - the amount of date units to add
  3. start_date - the date to modify

replace(original_value, from_value, to_value)

Replaces all occurrences of from_value with to_value in original_value


  1. original_value - the string to perform the replace on
  2. from_value - the value to be replaced
  3. to_value - the value to replace with


A custom SQL statement


  1. expression - the SQL expression

if(condition, true_value, false_value)

If the first argument is true, return the second argument; otherwise, return the third argument


  1. condition - the condition to be evalauted to true or false
  2. true_value - value to return if the condition is true
  3. false_value - value to return if the condition is false

ifs(condition_1, condition_1_value, condition_2, condition_2_value)

Checks whether one or more conditions are met and returns the value that corresponds to the first TRUE condition. Accepts an arbitrary number of arguments.


  1. condition_1 - the first condition to be evalauted to true or false
  2. condition_1_value - value to return if the first condition is true
  3. condition_2 - the second condition to be evalauted to true or false
  4. condition_2_value - value to return if the second condition is true

and(condition_1, condition_2)

Returns TRUE if all the input conditions in are true. Accepts an arbitrary number of arguments.


  1. condition_1 - the first condition to be evalauted to true or false
  2. condition_2 - the second condition to be evalauted to true or false

or(condition_1, condition_2)

Returns TRUE if any of the input conditions in are true. Accepts an arbitrary number of arguments.


  1. condition_1 - the first condition to be evalauted to true or false
  2. condition_2 - the second condition to be evalauted to true or false


Returns TRUE if the given conditional is FALSE.


  1. condition - the condition to be evalauted to true or false

round(number, scale)

Rounds the given number to the given scale.


  1. number - the number to be rounded
  2. scale - the number of decimal points to round to


Rounds the given number up to the nearest integer.


  1. number - the number to be rounded


Rounds the given number down to the nearest integer.


  1. number - the number to be rounded

concat(string_1, string_2)

Concatenates the text from the provided arguments into a single string. Accepts an arbitrary number of arguments.


  1. string_1 - first string to concatenate
  2. string_2 - concatenated onto the end of string 1


Converts a date-like text field into a date


  1. date - a date-like text field


Returns the sum of a column.


  1. column - the column to sum over


Returns the average of a column.


  1. column - the column to average over


Counts the number of unique values in a column


  1. column - the column to count uniques

lead(column, offset, order_by, partition_by)

Returns a value from a following row, offset by a number of rows (by default 1)


  1. column - the column to be returned
  2. offset - the number of rows to offset by (defaults to 1)
  3. order_by - the order by which the following row is determined
  4. partition_by - pick following row only from rows matching this partition

lag(column, offset, order_by, partition_by)

Returns a value from the a previous row, offset by a number of rows (by default 1)


  1. column - the column to be returned
  2. offset - the number of rows to offset by (defaults to 1)
  3. order_by - the order by which the previous row is determined
  4. partition_by - pick previous row only from rows matching this partition

previous(column, offset, order_by, partition_by)

Returns a value from the a previous row, offset by a number of rows (by default 1)


  1. column - the column to be returned
  2. offset - the number of rows to offset by (defaults to 1)
  3. order_by - the order by which the previous row is determined
  4. partition_by - pick previous row only from rows matching this partition

next(column, offset, order_by, partition_by)

Returns a value from the a following row, offset by a number of rows (by default 1)


  1. column - the column to be returned
  2. offset - the number of rows to offset by (defaults to 1)
  3. order_by - the order by which the following row is determined
  4. partition_by - pick following row only from rows matching this partition


Returns a sum of values from a column in a pivot


  1. column - the column to be summed over
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